When I found out I was pregnant with my second baby after just giving birth four months prior, I fell deeply into an immediate depression.
Motherhood had swallowed me up instantly and I seemingly had no way out of my new reality.
Each morning brought an overwhelming sense of fear and heaviness while simultaneously showing me a new purpose to survive. As I submerged myself deeper into this chapter of my life, my relationships shifted. A few of my closest friends, including Torrey and Allison, opened their empathy up to me as wide as they possibly could without having experienced what I was going through.
These women asked me questions and got to understand my experience as true friends would and should. With them I was able to listen intimately and deeply to my body and my screaming spirit.
I had been buried, and the nourishment I needed included a sense of acceptance, gentleness, patience and strength from myself and those who truly love me.
Today I wear Red Jasper from Longtime Sun to remind myself of the vitality within me to care for my babies as my body continues to heal and grow.